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http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日18:39 南京龙虎网

  五年目标 Five Year Plan for Social and Economic Development






  A complete modern market system will be formed,by setting up sound commodity market and the factor markets of intellectual property, land, labor force, technology, etc., and by establishing unified market regulations and rules, standard market order, an environment in which market entities of all kinds can equally use the production factors.

  People will be still better-off. People of different classes and groups will have a big rise in their incomes. Disposable income per capita of urban residents will increase by 9%; disposable income per capita of peasants will increase by 6.5%. A complete

  A government functioning to provide services will be basically built up. Innovations will be made in management notion, management system and management style of the government. A public financial system and public management system in conformity with the requirement of market economy will be formed.


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