锦绣南京--南京发展规划 |
http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日18:39 南京龙虎网 |
五年目标 Five Year Plan for Social and Economic Development 经济实力跃居全国同类城市前列。2007年,国内生产总值比“九五”末翻一番以上,人均国内生产总值力争达到5000美元。 城市现代化形象充分展现。城市化率达到75%,信息化程度达到全国先进水平。 现代市场体系基本健全。建立比较完善的商品市场和产权、土地、劳动力、技术等要素市场,基本形成统一开放的市场规则,规范有序的市场秩序,各类市场主体平等使用生产要素的环境。 人民生活更加殷实。不同阶层、不同群体的收入明显增长。城镇居民人均可支配收入年均递增9%,农民人均纯收入年均递增6.5%。建立比较完备的城市保障体系。市民的综合素质全面提高。 服务型政府基本建成。实现政府管理理念、管理体制和管理方式的全面创新,基本形成符合市场经济要求的公共财政体系和公共管理体制。 A complete modern market system will be formed,by setting up sound commodity market and the factor markets of intellectual property, land, labor force, technology, etc., and by establishing unified market regulations and rules, standard market order, an environment in which market entities of all kinds can equally use the production factors. People will be still better-off. People of different classes and groups will have a big rise in their incomes. Disposable income per capita of urban residents will increase by 9%; disposable income per capita of peasants will increase by 6.5%. A complete A government functioning to provide services will be basically built up. Innovations will be made in management notion, management system and management style of the government. A public financial system and public management system in conformity with the requirement of market economy will be formed. |