锦绣南京--南京人民生活 |
http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日18:35 南京龙虎网 |
人居环境The Living Environment 南京独特的人文和自然环境,是人们生活、居住的理想之地,也是房地产开发掘金的宝贵资本。改革开放以来,南京房地产业在深化改革、结构调整中迅速崛起。南京努力把住宅产业作为促进消费、拉动经济增长新的消费热点和新的经济增长点加以培育,率先在全国实行住房分配货币化,先后制定出台了在全国同等城市中最为宽松的一系列政策措施,为激活房地产市场,推进房地产业快速持续发展营造了良好的环境。 百家湖住宅区 南京围绕建设人居环境优良城市的目标,结合旧城改造,连续5年对1992年以前建成的200多个旧住宅实施整治出新整治,面积达1600多万平方米。出新后的小区,设施配套完善,环境整洁优美,健身娱乐场所随处可见,绿化面积达40%以上,可谓花草满地,景色宜人。不仅改善了人居环境,促进了文明社区建设,而且提升了城市管理水平和整体形象。 Nanjing, with its unique human and natural resources, is an ideal place for people to live and work in, and is also a good place for the real estate developers to develop their business. Since the reform and opening-up started, the real estate industry has made rapid development as a result of deepening reforms and structure adjustment. The development of living quarters has been regarded and utilized as a means to encourage more consumption, as a new hot consumption goods and a new economic growth point thade to activate the real estate market and to create a good environment for speedy and sustainable development of real estate industry. Aiming at building the city into an ideal place for people to live and work in, Nanjing has rebuilt or refurbished over 200 living quarters where the apartment buildings were built before 1992, which have a total construction space of 16 million square meters. After the reconstruction, the living quarters have taken on a new look, with good life facilities, clean and beautiful environment, and fitness and amusement facilities everywhere. Over 40% of the open space is covered with grass and flowers, taking on a picturesque scene. The living environment has been improved, the construction of civilized communities promoted, and, at the same time, the management level of the city and the city image as a whole raised. 小区建设Construction of Living Quarters 南京着力加快小区建设,一个个配套设施齐全、环境优良的住宅小区星罗棋布。小区管理有序、安全舒适、设施改善、环境优美的要求,不仅提高了居民的生活质量和文明素质,也提升了南京城市建设和管理水平。目前,全市2万平方米以上的住宅小区528个,高层商住楼800多幢,住房面积总量超1亿平方米。2002年,南京住宅竣工面积达427.60万平方米,城镇居民人均居住面积达11.8平方米。 Efforts have been made to speed up the construction of living quarters in Nanjing; well-facilitated living quarters with good environment can be seen everywhere in the city now. The living quarters, which are well managed, safe and comfortable, equipped wihich has a living space of 20000 m2 ; and over 800 tall buildings of residence and offices combined. Now the total housing space exceeds 100 million square meters. In 2002, the completed housing space amounted to 4.276 million square meters. The average living space per person for the city residents is 11.8 m2. 社区服务Community Services 南京城市社区服务蓬勃开展,社区建设的整体水平位居全国前列。全市各种社区服务设施有1252处,建有老人公寓69所,老人活动中心(活动室)663个,各类便民服务网点6000多个。有包容面广、涉及各行各业的志愿者服务队伍总人数近10万人。市区、街道组建有社区服务统管机构,警务进社区,设立了社区服务发展基金,实行了社区服务认证制度。社会法制化进程进一步加快,政务公开全面推进,建立和完善了政府决策公示制、预告制、通报制等多种公开形式。 社会保障体系框架基本形成。养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育等政府强制性的社会保障险种已全部出台,城市低保范围不断扩大,低保标准有所提高,基本做到了“应保尽保”。劳动保障管理服务社会化工作顺利启动,市区县人力资源市场信息实时联网,初步实现了网上求职、网上录用、网上结算。加大社会医疗保险金征缴力度,全市已有70万人参加了城镇职工基本医疗保障,劳动保障法制建设取得积极进展。 The community services in Nanjing city have been developing vigorously, which is also at the top for its overall level in the country. There are 1253 community service facilities, 69 rest homes and 663 cultural centers (homes) for the elders, and over 6000 service stations and points of various kinds. An army of 100,000 volunteers from all walks of life and different sectors provide services for those who need help and for the public interest. Community service management has been established at the urban district level and the neighborhood level; the police service has entered communities. The community service development funds have been set up, and community service authentication system adopted. The process of building a legal society has been quickened; Social Security. A system of social security has been basically formed. The government has made enforceable policies of social security insurance for retirement, unemployment, medical treatment, injuries on jobs and childbirth. The insurance coverage for the citizens has been expanded; the lowest insurance standard raised; basically, all those who need to be insured have been insured. The socialization of the labor insurance management has been going on smoothly. The human resources markets of the city, districts and counties provide real time information; initially, looking for jobs, accepting the job application and settlement are all done on the Internet. Social medical insurance fees have been enforced. There are 700000 workers and other people who have participated in the basic medical treatment insurance. And progress has been made in building the legal system of the labor insurance.
月牙湖小区远景 |