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http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日18:35 南京龙虎网

  人居环境The Living Environment




  Nanjing, with its unique human and natural resources, is an ideal place for people to live and work in, and is also a good place for the real estate developers to develop their business. Since the reform and opening-up started, the real estate industry has made rapid development as a result of deepening reforms and structure adjustment. The development of living quarters has been regarded and utilized as a means to encourage more consumption, as a new hot consumption goods and a new economic growth point thade to activate the real estate market and to create a good environment for speedy and sustainable development of real estate industry.

  Aiming at building the city into an ideal place for people to live and work in, Nanjing has rebuilt or refurbished over 200 living quarters where the apartment buildings were built before 1992, which have a total construction space of 16 million square meters. After the reconstruction, the living quarters have taken on a new look, with good life facilities, clean and beautiful environment, and fitness and amusement facilities everywhere. Over 40% of the open space is covered with grass and flowers, taking on a picturesque scene. The living environment has been improved, the construction of civilized communities promoted, and, at the same time, the management level of the city and the city image as a whole raised.

  小区建设Construction of Living Quarters



  Efforts have been made to speed up the construction of living quarters in Nanjing; well-facilitated living quarters with good environment can be seen everywhere in the city now. The living quarters, which are well managed, safe and comfortable, equipped wihich has a living space of 20000 m2 ; and over 800 tall buildings of residence and offices combined. Now the total housing space exceeds 100 million square meters. In 2002, the completed housing space amounted to 4.276 million square meters. The average living space per person for the city residents is 11.8 m2.

  社区服务Community Services




  The community services in Nanjing city have been developing vigorously, which is also at the top for its overall level in the country. There are 1253 community service facilities, 69 rest homes and 663 cultural centers (homes) for the elders, and over 6000 service stations and points of various kinds. An army of 100,000 volunteers from all walks of life and different sectors provide services for those who need help and for the public interest. Community service management has been established at the urban district level and the neighborhood level; the police service has entered communities. The community service development funds have been set up, and community service authentication system adopted. The process of building a legal society has been quickened; Social Security.

  A system of social security has been basically formed. The government has made enforceable policies of social security insurance for retirement, unemployment, medical treatment, injuries on jobs and childbirth. The insurance coverage for the citizens has been expanded; the lowest insurance standard raised; basically, all those who need to be insured have been insured. The socialization of the labor insurance management has been going on smoothly. The human resources markets of the city, districts and counties provide real time information; initially, looking for jobs, accepting the job application and settlement are all done on the Internet. Social medical insurance fees have been enforced. There are 700000 workers and other people who have participated in the basic medical treatment insurance. And progress has been made in building the legal system of the labor insurance.








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