锦绣南京--南京社会事业 |
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科技Science and Technology 南京是我国重要的科技研发基地之一,科技综合实力位居全国大城市第三,拥有独立及非独立研究与开发机构557个,其中紫金山天文台和南京地质古生物研究所等,均属国内一流的研究单位,并在国际上具有一定影响,各类专业技术人员达32万人。2002年,全市有33项成果获省科技进步奖,其中一批已达到国内或国际先进水平。 Science and Technology dependent and non-independent; the two most well known of them at home and abroad are the Purple Mountain Observatory and Nanjing Geology and Paleontology Research Institute. There are about 320,000 specialized technical personnel working in various fields of science and technology. In 2002, 153 research results were awarded the scientific and technological Progress Prize of Jiangsu Province, and quite a few of them have reached the advanced levels of China or of the world. 高新技术产业呈现迅猛发展态势。大力发展以电子信息、生物工程与医药产业为重点的高新技术产业,至2002年底,高新技术产业销售收入已达360亿元,销售收入占工业销售收入的比重达25%,带动了经济结构的优化。与此同时,作为信息产业核心的软件产业开始高速发展。高新开发区作为高新技术产业发展的基地地位日益突出,2002年实现技工贸总收入达600亿元。经认定的高新技术企业已达494家,以电子信息、生物工程与医药产业为龙头的高新技术产业发展迅猛,2002年高新技术产业完成产值422.04亿元。技术交易市场活跃,各类贸易机构达3600多家,年技术交易额达19亿元以上。 High-tech industries have been developing rapidly. Great efforts have been made particularly in such high-tech industries as electronics and information industry, biological engineering and pharmaceutical industry. As a result, the total sales value of high-tech products amounted to 36 billion yuan by the end of 2002, which made up 25% of the total sales value of all industries, bringing about optimization of the economic structure. Meanwhile, the software industry, the core of the information industry, has made rapid development. The position of high-tech development zones as the high-tech development base is getting more and more prominent, for the total income from the technology, production, and trade reached 60 billion yuan in 2002. There are 379 ratified high-tech enterprises, engaged in electronics, IT, biological engineering and pharmacy, etc. The high-tech industries fulfilled a gross output value of 44.615 billion yuan in 2002. The market of technology exchange is thriving; there are 3600 trading firms and institutions of various kinds, with an annual trading value of technology of 1.9 billion yuan. 珠江路作为高新区的窗口,正在发展成为国内继北京中关村之后的又一处电子科技一条街。 民营科技企业进入快速发展时期,成为地方经济发展新的增长点。全市民营科技企业已达2100多家,2002年实现技工贸收入124亿元。 Non-governmental enterprises in science and technology have entered a stage of fast development, and have become a new driving force for developing the local economy. There are 2100 of them now in Nanjing, with a total annual business turnover of 12.4 billion yuan in 2002. 第二十八研究所成立于1964年,是中国大型电子系统工程研究所。主要从事指挥自动化系统、空中交通管制系统、城市交通控制系统、社会劳动保险管理信息系统、医疗保险系统等各种电子信息系统的总体设计、软件开发、系统集成和配套设备的研制,并已通过了ISO9001-2000质量体系认证。 ious electronic information systems, such as command automation system, air transportation control system and in-city transportation control system, which has passed the authentification of ISO9001-2000 quality system. 中山科技园是南京高新技术产业开发、孵化及发展的重要基地,规划面积为3.2平方公里,内设创业孵化区、工业用地区、集中仓储区、管理服务区和绿化景观区等五大功能区,着力推进科技成果商品化,重点发展以化工新材料、机电一体化、信息制造业为主体的高附加值、高科技含量、高市场竞争力、无污染的“三高一无”产业。 南京国电南自软件工程有限公司,主要从事电力系统及相关软件的开发和销售;公司拥有雄厚的研发实力,现有软件产品均处于国际先进或国内领先水平,并具有自主产权。 南京天地三环高科技股份有限公司是由南京天地国际集团有限公司、南京新港开发总公司、北京中科三环高科技股份有限公司等七家单位投资兴办。现有年生产能力20万辆电动自行车生产线两条,销售网络遍布全国并已远销世界20几个国家,是目前国内最大的电动自行车生产厂家。 production area, warehouse area, management and services area and the greens and scenic area. It is aimed at turning the research results into commercial production, with emphases on new chemical materials, integration of machines and electronics and inforNanjing Automation Software Engineering Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in development and sales of software of electrical system and its related sectors. The Corporation boasts very strong R&D strength; all its software products at present are the national leaders of its kind and internationally advanced; and it owns all their own property rights. two production lines, each with an annual production capacity of 200,000 electric motor driven bicycles. Its sales network spreads throughout the country; and the products have been sold to over 20 countries in the world. It is the largest plant in China that manufactures electric motor driven bicycles. 天马高科技有限责任公司是专业从事大中型高科技医疗设备的研制开发、引进和生产销售的国有高科技产业中心。公司固定资产1.2亿,拥有一支高科技研发队伍。产品已通过了ISO9002质量体系认证及欧盟的CE安全认证。 Tianma High-tech Co., Ltd. is a professional state-owned high-tech industrial center engaged in research and development, import and manufacture and sales of large and medium high-tech medical equipment. It has a fixed capital asset of 120 million yuan, with a contingent of high-tech researchers and developers. Its products have passed authentication of ISO9002 quality system and authentication of CE safety system of European Union. 东大金智软件股份有限公司创立于1995年,源于东南大学,是国内IT业界颇具影响的专业化软件与应用系统集成公司,是国家计算机信息系统集成一级资质企业。 南京三宝科技股份有限公司是为行业用户提供科技产品和系统解决方案的专业性高科技公司。公司以图像采集技术、图像处理(识别)技术和web服务技术的综合应用为核心业务,致力于交通、海关、检查等行业的视频安防科技产品、中间件和应用系统的研究和推广。 a Class A enterprise of computer information system integration in China.Nanjing Sanbao Science and Technology Corp., Ltd. is a specialized high-tech corporation that provides its customers with scientific and technological products and system solution schemes. It takes as its core business the comprehensive application of image collecting technology, image processing technology and web service technology, being engaged in the research and development of visual security and prevention scientific and technological products, the intermediate parts and application systems that are used by transportation departments, customs houses and checking places. 教育Education 九所名校百年校庆 南京是中国重要的教贤育才之地,中国高等教学与研究基地之一。南京人文荟萃,高等院校的数量列全国各城市第三位,现有各类大专院校35所,普通中学274所,普通中等53学校所,小学743所,幼儿园505所。在宁高校现有中国科学院、中国工程院院士68人。南京大学、东南大学、河海大学等为全国重点高校。全市高校有100个国家级和省级重点学科和实验室,科研成果居全国领先地位。师资力量雄厚,全市16所高校中,有国家授权授予博士后科研流动站30多个。南京大学、东南大学科技园被国家科技部和教育部批准为国家级大学科技园。南京高校更是俊彦云集,英才辈出。陶行知、吴贻芳、陈鹤琴、徐悲鸿、李四光、吴健雄等一批蜚声海内外学者、教授、名家大师先后执教于南京的院校,他们的成就和业绩,为后来学子留下了一笔笔弥足珍贵的精神财富。 Nanjing is an important city for both education and educational research in China. The number of higher learning institutions in the city ranks the 3rd among all the cities in China. The educational institutions are as the following: 35 universities and colleges, 274 general middle schools, 53 general secondary schools, 743 elementary schools and 505 kindergartens. There are 68 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering working in universities and colleges. Nanjing University, Southeast University and Hehai University are among the famous key universities of China. There are 100 state and provincial key disciplines and laboratories; the research results are in the forefront inside China. There are over 30 postdoctoral mobile stations in 16 higher learning institutions. The technologiy parks of Nanjing University and Southeast University have been ratified by the Ministry of Science and Technology as the state-level science and technology parks. Many famous scholars, professors, educators, artists and scientists either received their education or taught and are teaching in Nanjing; Tao Xingzhi, Wu Yifang, Chen Heqin, Xu Beihong, Li Siguang, Wu Jianxiong, to mention just a few. Their outstanding achievements and accomplishments have become valuable inspiration for the younger generations of students in Nanjing. 文化Culture 南京的文化事业繁荣活跃,文化产业取得长足进步。2002年成功地举办了第二届南京文化艺术节。创作了一大批文化艺术精品,电视片《血脉》获20届中国电视金鹰奖,话剧《平头百姓》、大型民乐专场《名作音乐会》、小红花艺术团创作演出了舞蹈《咔叽咔》、器乐《赛马》等少儿节目,并在“2002年中华民族儿童歌舞周”比赛中取得两金三银的好成绩。京剧《胭脂河》获得一致好评。南京有文化艺术中心等一批高等级文化场馆设施。2002年,完成了明孝陵申报世界文化遗产工作。 Cultural undertakings in Nanjing are very prosperous; and the cultural industry has made great progress in recent years. The 2nd Nanjing Culture and Art Festival was successfully held in Nanjing in 2002. A batch of good cultural and art works have been cre Opera troupe, modern drama troupe, and Yue Opera troupe; and 44 cinemas and theaters, 15 cultural centers, and 142 film projection teams; 76 museums and memorial halls of various kinds, and 7 archive establishments. The Nanjing Museum is the 2nd largest one in China in terms of its collections; and the Nanjing Library is the 3rd largest public library in China. There are altogether 19 public libraries with a total collection of 10 million books. There are 281 protected cultural relics and sites, of which 11 are of national level, and 77 provincial. 南京文化艺术中心 全市有京剧、话剧、越剧等专业文艺团体近20家,影剧院44个,文化馆15个,各类电影放映单位142个。有各类纪念馆、博物馆76所,档案馆7个。南京博物院的藏品量居全国第二位。南京图书馆为中国第三大公共图书馆。公共图书馆19个,藏书约950余万册。全市有市级以上文物保护单位281处,其中国家级11处,省级77处。 人类历史上的杰出航海家郑和 郑和是人类历史上一位杰出的航海家与和平友好的使者,郑和下西洋,是世界航海史和人类文明史上的伟大壮举,也是中国海洋事业发展鼎盛的象征。 郑和塑像 南京是郑和的第二故乡,也是他七下西洋的决策地和始发地。南京境内的明城墙、明故宫遗址、静海寺、龙江宝船厂遗址、天妃宫碑、郑和府宅墓地、大报恩寺遗址等,都与郑和下西洋的壮举联系在一起。 从1405年至1433年,历时28年,经东南亚、印度洋到达红海及非洲东海岸,遍访亚非30多个国家和地区,其气势之宏伟、影响之深远,航海技术之进步,堪称当时世界上的划时代事件。郑和下西洋进行的友好交往、和平贸易是大航海时代绝无仅有的历史记录。 During the 28 years from 1405 to 1433, he navigated first to some Southeast Asian countries, and then sailing through the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea and to the east coast of Africa. He visited over 30 Asian and African countries and regions with the assisnavigations have left an unprecedented historical record of the great era of navigation. 南京云锦Brocade of Nanjing 南京云锦已有千年历史,被誉为“东方瑰宝”和“中华一绝”,是中华民族独特文化积淀的精髓,是历代丝织艺人勤劳智慧的结晶,现已申报人类非物质文化遗产。 It has now been applied for human non-material cultural heritage of the world. 体育Sports 南京体育事业蓬勃发展,全市已形成竞技体育和群众性体育活动相结合的多层次共同发展的格局。体育设施进一步完善和优化,享有“中国奥林匹克”之称的第十届全国运动会的主赛场及全民健身中心等配套工程正按照国际赛事场馆设计标准建设当中。 五台山体育馆 体育产业发展迅猛,体育市场繁荣。全市现有注册登记的体育经营单位1480家。 体育国际交流日趋频繁。与日本名古屋、韩国大田市等友好城市的体育互访和交流不断,拓展交流范围,先后出访瑞典、澳大利亚、德国等国。 Sports in Nanjing are also developing very fast; competitive sports and mass sports activities are combined in joint development at different levels. The sports facilities have been bettered. The 10th national sports games of China, which is regarded as th design and construction. Sports industry is also developing rapidly; and the sports market is booming. There are 1480 units registered for sports business in Nanjing.eams from Nanjing have visited Sweden, Australia and Germany. 卫生Health Care 2002年,南京地区共有各级各类卫生机构1257所,床位23501张,卫生人员46854人;市区人均期望寿命74.49岁,男性72.52岁,女性76.56岁,已分别接近发达国家水平,超过全国平均水平。 鼓楼医院 第一医院大楼夜景 南京市医疗卫生体系完整,医疗、预防、保健三级网络健全,全市积极推进卫生监督、防病体制改革和医疗机构分类管理,呈现多元化、多层次、多渠道办医的新格局,卫生事业综合实力明显增强;科教兴医获得重大成果,人民健康水平逐年提高;社区卫生服务成效明显,“预防为主”的方针得到较好落实,传染病总发病率逐年下降;全市爱国卫生运动实行长效管理,城乡卫生面貌焕然一新,4次被评为“全国十佳卫生城市”;农村初级卫生保健工作提前达标,除害、农村改水和改厕工作取得突破性进展,健康教育深入开展;妇幼保健和计划生育工作多项指标名列全国前茅。 In 2002, there are 1257 medical units of various kinds and at different levels in Nanjing area, with a total number of 23,501 hospital beds. There are 46854 people engaged in medical and health work. The average life expectancy in the city is 74.49 years old (male: 72.52; female: 76.56), which has exceeded the national level and is close to the level of the developed countries. The medical and health care system is complete, with a sound three-level network of medical treatment, prevention and health care. Active reforms have been made in the system of health monitoring and disease prevention; and medical institutions are managed based on their different types. A new medical system has been formed, that is, medical work is run in multi-forms, at multi-levels, and through multi-channels. The overall strength of the medical work has been promoted remarkably, which is based on educat. 新闻The Press 南京市加快文化产业发展,深化新闻出版和广播电视体制改革,2002年在全国率先成立了南京日报报业集团、南京广播电视集团。 两大集团成立仪式 南京日报报业集团以南京日报社为核心,所属媒体包括南京日报、金陵晚报、周末报、今日商报、江苏商报、东方卫报、金陵了望杂志社六报一刊。报纸期发量超过115万份。集团资产总额5.3亿元,年收入3.05亿元,集团拥有高、中级以上专业技术职称和各类人才占总人数的90%以上。 南京现有公开发行的报纸20余家。其中《新华日报》、《南京日报》、《扬子晚报》、《周末》等,都在一定的范围和层面上具有较大的影响。 南京广电大厦 南京广播电视集团整合了南京电视台、南京人民广播电台、南京广播电视报社和南京音像出版社等优质资源,拥有7个自办电视节目和5个自办广播频率,覆盖受众2000万人。集团拥有南京广电大厦、南京彩电中心等一流的设施和设备、高品质的网络系统等,固定资产18亿元,年创收超5亿元。集团具有博士、博士后、主任记者、编辑等高学历及副高级以上专业技术职称的各类人才超过200人。南京电视台的综合实力在全国省会城市电视台中名列前茅,南京人民广播电台在全国同行中也位居前列。 Nanjing municipal government has quickened the development of cultural industry, and deepened the system reforms of the press, publishing, broadcasting and television. In 2002, Nanjing has taken the lead in establishing Nanjing Daily Newspapers Industry Corporation and Nanjing Broadcasting and Television Corporation. tive magazine, with a total daily publication of 1.15 million copies of newspapers. The total assets are worth 530 million yuan, with an annual income of 305 million yuan.Over 90% of its staff have middle or high academic titles specializing in different fields. There are over 20 newspapers published and distributed in Nanjing, of which The Xinhua Daily, The Nanjing Daily, The Yangtze Evening Paper, and Weekend have strong influence among their readers in the country. uced TV programs and 5 frequencies for broadcasting self-made programs, covering an audience of 20 million people. The Corporation possesses first-rate facilities and equipment such as Nanjing Broadcasting and Television Building, Nanjing Color Television Center, and high quality network system. It possesses a fixed capital of 1.8 billion yuan, with an annual income of over 500 million yuan. Over 200 people of its staff are senior reporters or editors, some having doctoral or postdoctoral degrees. 出版The overa Publishing 南京的出版业兴旺发达。目前,全地区拥有出版社17家,其中图书出版社14家、音像出版社3家。 南京的期刊门类齐全,结构基本合理。出版杂志297种,总印数达1.06亿册;报纸出版63种,总印数15.75亿份。其中《钟山》、《雨花》、《青春》、《祝您健康》、《紫金岁月》、《译林》等期刊在全国具有一定影响。新华书店各类图书销售量4.5亿册。 南京出版社积极推行精品战略,认真搞好图书的策划、编辑和出版,努力探索地方出版社的特色。2002年全年出版新书67种,重印图书121种,发行总码洋超过3000万元,其中,有反映南京历史文化特色的、被列入国家"十五"规划重点选题的《六朝文化丛书》等;还出版了一批面向大众的、反映南京市政治、经济、文化发展的普及性读物,如《南京明代城墙》、《南京云锦》、《十里秦淮好风光》等。有5种14册图书分获各类图书奖,其中《孙中山与南京临时政府》获第十四届华东地区优秀哲学社会科学图书奖等。 The publishing industry of Nanjing is very prosperous. At present, there are 17 publishing houses, of which 14 are book-publishing houses, and 3 are audio-visual products publishing houses. There are complete varieties of periodicals, with a basically reasonable structure. 297 kinds of periodicals are published with a total of 106 million copies printed. 63 kinds of newspapers are published with a total of 1.575 billion copies printed. Among the periodicals, such periodicals as Zhongshan, Rain Flower, Youth, Wish You Good Health, History of Nanjing, and Literature Translation Journal have a national influence to a certain extent. The Xinhua bookstores sell a total of 450 million copies of books of various kinds annually. The Nanjing Publishing House has actively adopted a strategy of publishing good quality books; attentions have been paid to the work of good planning, editing and publishing, with an aim at finding a way of its own characteristic features as a local publishing house. In 2002, it published 67 kinds of new books, and 121 kinds of reprinted books, which was worth 30 million yuan. The Cultures of the Six Dynasties (a series) reflect the historical and cultural features of Nanjing, which has been included in the of Nanjing, and Beautiful Landscape along the Qinhuai River. 14 books of five kinds have won different national book awards, of which Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Nanjing Provisional Government won an award of excellent book of philosophy and social sciences at the 14th East China Book Fair.
![]() 九所名校百年校庆
![]() 五台山体育馆
![]() 鼓楼医院
![]() 南京广电大厦
![]() 南京文化艺术中心
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