锦绣南京--南京城市建设(图) |
http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日14:45 南京龙虎网 |
![]() 南京主城在扩大 新区在崛起 南京市按照“一城三区”(河西新城、仙西、东山、江北新市区)的城市扩张思路,老城改造和新区建设同步推进,主城在扩大,新区在崛起,老城在扮靓,城市面貌日新月异,城市文化特色不断凸现,人居环境日益优良。2002年南京在城建方面的总投入约181亿元,市级城建目标共171项,其中城市基础设施建设项目达到150项,创下了历史最高记录。六朝古韵、明朝遗址、民国建筑,古城金陵的历史文化特色在老城改造中不断凸现,崭新的“一城三区”在老城四周悄然崛起。 “绿色南京”工程逐步推进,高楼生辉、光带环绕,夜南京城流光溢彩、美仑美奂,使南京成为了一座融山水城林于一体,集六朝古韵于一身的秀丽名城。 Characteristics are becoming more outstanding; and the living environment is getting better with each passing day. In 2002, an investment of 18.1 billion yuan, a record high investment, was made in the urban construction, used for a total of 170 projects, of which 150 projects were the infrastructure projects. In redeveloping the old city, the historical sites and buildings have been well preserved and repaired, which have now shown even greater their historical values. The new city and the three new districts are growing up rapidly around the old. 基础设施Infrastructures 城北自来水厂 东善桥变电站 多年来,南京不断加大城市基础设施建设的力度。目前,全市燃气气化率达99.59%。城市用水普及率达100%,城市日供水能力达202万吨,水质在国内城市名列前茅。郊县68个乡镇全部用上自来水。城市电网实现双环网运行,供电的可靠性、安全性进一步提高。水、电、气的供给满足了全市生产和生活的需要。 环境保护 南京的环境污染综合治理工作成效显著,城市的绿化、美化、亮化水平有了新的提高。环境综合整治工作排名全国城市前列,2001年被授予“全国环境综合整治优秀城市”。 治理后的东水关 环境基础设施建设日趋适应城市发展,近年来,全市加大环境保护投资力度,建设了700多台(套)污染治理设施,工业污染源初步实现了达标排放。实施了玄武湖综合整治和内秦淮河三期综合整治工程,实现了湖、河的全面清淤和污水截流系统工程。城市环境质量持续呈现“稳中趋好”的态势,环境的整体优势进一步得到改善。目前,全市为2003年实现国际环境保护模范城市的创建目标,实施环境建设十大工程,争创国内一流的人居环境优良城市。自然名胜风景保护区面积得到扩大,已占全市总面积的8%强,生态环境保护得到进一步加强。 园林绿化 南京是中国著名的绿城。也是全国绿化先进城市和全国造林绿化十佳城市。目前,南京已基本形成了山、水、城、林融为一体,点、线、面结合,大、中、小配套,园林绿地、风景区相呼应,门类齐全,分布合理,功能显著,风格浑厚的城市园林绿化体系。全市拥有公园40个,街心、河畔园林的绿化广场遍及全城。全市园林绿地总面积达10996公顷,建城区园林绿化覆盖面积达8664公顷,建城区绿化覆盖率达43%。2002年全市新增绿地264万平方米,人均公共绿地面积9.5平方米。以上几项指标在全国直辖市和省会城市中处于领先地位。 鼓楼广场 林荫大道 绿化广场建设方兴未艾,相继建成了汉中门、阳光、月光等50多个绿化广场,总面积超过100万平方米。广场风格迥异,各具特色,极大地美化了城市容貌,改善了市民的生活环境,成为现代都市中一道道亮丽的风景线。 For years importance has been attached to the infrastructure construction. Up to now, the gas supply coverage reaches 99.59%; the tap water supply coverage 100%, with a capacity of supplying 2.02 million tons of water a day; and the water quality is among Environmental Protection。 Very remarkable results have been achieved in the comprehensive treatment of the environmental pollution in Nanjing. The level of increasing greenery to, beautifying and lighting up the city has been raised to a new high. The comprehensive control of the cThe environmental infrastructure construction has met the requirements of the urban development; and the emission and discharge of industrial pollutants have been initially brought up to the standard. In recent years, big investment has been made into the environmental protection. Over 700 pollution treatment facilities (plants) have been constructed, such as the Xuanwu Lake project and the Inner Qinhuai River project. All the lakes and rivers have been dredged, and the wastewater blocked from discharging il protection in 2003. 10 big environmental protection projects will be constructed, and efforts will be made to attain the goal of building Nanjing into an ideal city for people to live and work in. The natural scenic spots preservation areas will be expan Gardening and greening up% of the city area. In 2002, an area of 2.64 million square meters of the greens was increased. The green per capita is 9.5 square meters now. The above figures are at the top of all the municipals and provincial capitals in China. In recent years many green civic squares have been built. Now there are over 50 of them, such as the Hanzhongmen Square, the Sun Light Square and the Moon Light Square, with a total coverage of over 1 million square meters. 河西新区The Hexi New City Area 河西新城区总占地约56万平方公里,实行高起点规划、高标准建设、高强度投入、高效能管理,通过统一开发和整合,用5-10年时间,把河西新城区建设成为现代化新南京的标志区。 奥林匹克体育中心模拟图 河西新城区将建成一个以商务、商贸、文体三大功能为主的新的城市中心、居住与就业兼顾的中高档居住区和以滨江风貌为特色的城市西部游览地。 目前,河西新城区围绕新区规划、基础设施建设及项目开发三条主线,已累计完成投资17亿元。 The new city area at the west side of the Qinhuai River covers an area of 56 square kilometers. Everything is set high for it: high starting point for its planning, high standard for its construction, high investment into its infrastructures, and high effective management; through joint development and integration, the new city area will become a model area of the new and modern Nanjing after 5-10 year construction. Up to now, 1.7 billion yuan of investment have been used in the planning, infrastructure construction and projects development for the new city area. 交通运输Transportation 铁路 地铁 南京的铁路处于华东第一通道的咽喉区域,南京长江大桥、长江二桥和华东地区最大的电气化、机械化、现代化货物列车编组站,沟通了大江南北的铁路和公路网,津浦、沪宁、宁铜、皖赣4条铁路干线交汇于此,连接着全国各主要铁路干线和各大中城市,成为连接华中、华东、华北地区的重要铁路枢纽,铁路运输量逐年增长,并实现了客货运输全面提速。旅客列车(含中转)辐射面达北京、上海、广东、新疆、黑龙江等20多个省、市、自治区。 Nanjing is at the key juncture of the railways in East China; the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the Nanjing No.2 Yangtze River Bridge and the largest electrified and mechanized modern marshal yard for freight trains connect the railways and highways on both sides of the Yangtze River. The four trunk railways of the Tianjin-Pukou Railway, Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, Nanjing-Tongling Railway and Anhui-Jiangxi Railway all meet in Nanjing, linking up all the national trunk railways and the big and medium-sized cities. Therefore, it is an important railway hub connecting the Central China, East China and North China. The railway transportation volume is rising each year, and all the passenger and freight trains have accelerated their speed. The passenger trains (including the passengers changing their trains in Nanjing) are running from Nanjing to over 20 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong Province, Heilongjiang Province and Xinjiang Autonomous Region. 公路Highway 沪宁高速公路 南京是全国公路枢纽之一。交通基础设施建设投资多、标准高、规模大、速度快、质量好,在全省率先实现县县通高速、乡乡通油路,村村通公路。高速公路联网畅通,相继建成了沪宁、机场、宁芜(马)、宁高、雍六等高速公路,完成宁合、宁连、宁通高速化改造,初步形成了以主城区为中心的放射状高速公路框架。南京现有国家级公路4条(104、205、312、328),沪(上海)宁(南京)高速公路为苏南地区乃至整个长江三角洲增加了一条便捷的陆上黄金通道。干线公路升级加密,一个以高速公路、一级公路为骨架的现代化公路网已初步形成。 Highway is the first city in the province that the expressways connect all the counties, asphalt highways connect all the townships, and general highways connect all the villages. A network of expressways has been built up, one after the other, such as the new expressways of Shanghai-Nanjing, Nanjing-Ma'anshan-Wuhu, and Nanjing-Gaocun. The road rebuilding projects of the Nanjing-Luhe Highway, the Nanjing-Lianyungang Highway and the Nanjing-Nantong Highway have been completed, having upgraded the grades of those highways have been upgraded and more built up, a modern highway network has initially formed, which is based on the pattern of the expressways plus Grade I highways. 水路Waterways 南京港是长江和中国内河第一大港口,为中国重要的枢纽港之一,跻身于中国十大港口行列。港区全长98公里,码头180座,泊位240个,其中万吨级以上的泊位16个,库场面积近58万平方米,铁路专用线近1公里(内装卸7500米),拥有长江最大的石油运输码头,最大的煤炭码头,最大的外贸运输码头。 位于南京经济开发区内的新生圩外贸港 总投资逾10亿元的南京港龙潭集装箱装卸码头已正式开工建设,拟新建3个万吨级泊位、2个千吨级集装箱专用泊位,工程设计年吞吐能力为52万标准箱,预计2003年建成投产。 南京港新生圩汽车滚装码头拥有万吨级和千吨级泊位各一座,年设计通过能力为36.3万辆,是长江上规模最大的滚装船码头,是南京商品汽车运输的重要通道。南京港集疏运条件优良,运输方式齐全,水路内联长江干流及众多支流,与世界各国的港口都建立了密切的运输联系,与日本、韩国等国家的国际港口都开通了定期的集装箱航班,港区铁路与国家铁路运输网相连,公路四通八达,鲁宁输油管与港口相连。南京港与80个国家和地区的165个港口通航,港口的外贸和集装箱运输迅速发展。 Waterways ths in total, of which 16 can dock 10000t class vessels. The stocking yard is 580,000 m2 large. The special railway is 1 kilometer long; 7500 meters are for loading and unloading inside the yard. The oil transportation dock, the coal dock and the dock for foreign trade are the largest on the Yangtze River. Now under construction is the containers loading and unloading dock at Longtan, into which an investment of over 1 billion yuan will be made. It is planned to build 3 berths for 10000t class vessels, and 2 berths for 1000t class vessels, with a design capacity of handling 520,000 standard containers a year. The construction is scheduled to complete in 2003. There is 1 berth for 10000t class ships and 1 berth for 1000t class ships at the Xinshengwei harbor in Nanjing for buses roll on-off ferryboats. Its designed handling capacity is 363,000 vehicles, which is largest of its kind on the Yangtze River, and is the important passage for vehicles transportation. Nanjing Harbor has good facilities for concentrating and dispersing goods, with various transport means. Through the waterway, it connects the Yangtze River and many branch rivers; it has established close business connections with many foreign ports; there are scheduled containers-carrying ships between the international ports of Japan, South Korea and some other countries. The port railway connects with the national railway network; its highway connects all the highways, and the Shangdong-Nanjing oil pipeline ends at the port. Nanjing Harbor has connections with 165 ports in 80 countries and regions; a rapid development has been seen in the transportation of export goods and containers. 南京长江油运公司是专业从事远洋、沿海、长江石油及其制品运输的国有大型骨干航运企业,拥有各类营运船舶370多艘,140多万载重吨,年运输能力4000望万吨以上,总资产45亿元人民币。公司在大力拓展国际油运业务的同时,积极发展石油仓储、配送、代理、贸易等业务。 Nanjing Changjiang Oil Transportation Corporation is a large state-owned backbone shipment enterprise that is engaged in transporting oil and oil products for ocean-going, coastal and on the Yangtze River. It possesses 370 boats of various kinds, with a total dead weight tonnage of 1.4 million tons. It has an annual shipment capacity of 40 million tons, and a total asset of 4.5 billion yuan. While striving to expand its international oil transportation business, it is also actively developing business of oil storage, distribution, agency, and trade. 南京长江三桥The Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge 2002年底南京长江第三大桥正式开工建设。三桥位于现南京长江大桥上游约19公里处的大胜关附近。建设三桥,对于完善干线公路网,加快南京都市圈建设,提升南京综合竞争力和辐射带动力,促进长江两岸共同发展,增进东部地区与中西部地区的经济联系具有十分重要意义。 The construction of the Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge broke the ground at the end of 2002. The No.3 Bridge is located at the site of 19 kilometers up-river from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. The construction of the No.3 Bridge will have great signiYangtze River, and for enhancing economic connections between the east, the central and the west parts of China. 航空Civil Aviation 禄口国际机场候机大厅夜景 南京是中国重要的航空港之一。南京建立了完善的国内航空网络,有国内国际航线78条,辐射20多个省、市、自治区的40多个城市和香港、澳门地区。除国内各大型骨干航空公司在南京禄口国际机场辟有可直达国内各大中城市的干线航班外,香港港龙航空和澳门航空有限公司分别开辟了南京飞往香港、澳门、台北、高雄地区的航线,韩亚航空公司和东方航空江苏有限公司每周有两个飞往韩国汉城的客运航班。南京与香港每日至少有两个班次以上的直航包机,不定期的国际客运包机航班可直飞日本名古屋、宫崎、大阪等地。开通了南京至加拿大温尼伯、俄罗斯莫斯科、韩国汉城的国际货运航线和南京至马来西亚吉隆坡、泰国曼谷等地国际客运旅游包机航线。 2002年南京民航旅客吞吐量达317万人次。货邮吞吐量6.79万吨,南京禄口国际机场已成为我国重要的干线机场,上海虹桥机场和浦东机场的备降机场,华东地区的重要货运机场之一。 Nanjing airport is one of the important airports in China. On the domestic aviation network, there are 78 air flight routes connecting over 40 cities in over 20 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions and Hong Kong and Macao. The major Chinese airliners have main through-flights between Nanjing Lukou Airport and the airports in large and medium cities. The Hong Kong Dragon Airline Co., Ltd. and the Macao Airline Co., Ltd. have flights from Nanjing to Hong Kong, Macao, Taipei and Kaosiung. The Korea Asian Airline and the Eastern Airline Jiangsu branch, have passenger flights from Nanjing to Seoul (South Korea) twice a week. There are at least 2 flights every day from Nanjing to Hong Kong; unscheduled chartered flights can fly from Nanjing to Nagoya and Miyazahi (Japan). There are freight flights from Nanjing to Winnipeg (Canada) and to Moscow (Russia); and the international tourism chartered flights are also flown from Nanjing to Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. In 2002, 3.17 million passengers boarded their flights at Nanjing Lukou Airport. Its throughput cargo and mails was 67900 tons. Nanjing Lukou International Airport has become one of the important trunk line airports in China, a backup airport for the Hongqiao and Pudong Airports of Shanghai, and one of the important freight airports in East China. 管道Pipeline transportation 过江管道 南京的管道运输主要是鲁宁石油管道。首站于山东临沂,途经山东、河北、安徽、江苏四省,管道的终点设在南京的中转油港。管道运输的建立,为南京的石油化学工业奠定了坚实的基础。 This pipeline has laid a solid foundation for the petrochemical industry in Nanjing. 城区交通In-city Transportation 新庄立交 南京市交通基础设施水平显著提高,公路建设和养护质量位于全省前列。现有市区道路总长2468公里,区域中心城市的大交通格局初步形成。全市公共交通运营线路网长达1638公里,拥有公共汽车3890余辆,被评为全国“畅通工程”一等管理水平城市。城市道路基本实现了“主城成环、环网相连、节点畅通”的目标。 The transportation infrastructure in Nanjing city has been remarkably upgraded. The road construction and the quality maintenance are in the lead in the whole province. The total length of the urban roads amounts to 2468 kilometers; its position as a central city in the region has initially established. The total length of the public transportation routes is 1638 kilometers; there are 3890 public buses running daily. Nanjing is appraised as a city of first rate in managing the transportation in the national Post。 邮电通信Telephone and Telecommunication 南京是中国八大长途交换中心和传输中心之一,拥有明线、电缆、光缆、微波、短波、卫星等多种传送方式组成的通讯网络,包含国内、国际各类固定电信网络服务,本地无线环路,基于电信网络的语间、数据、图像及多媒体通信与信息服务。通过地球卫星向海内外转播重大赛事,通达全国各地和世界各国。 邮政大楼夜景 南京在全国首家开通电信宽带城域网,高速上网业务正在向社会全面推广,拥有的交换机总容量已经达到237万门,电话实装用户数182.6万户,互联网用户突破了67.8万户。通讯手段实现多元化,步入多媒体通讯时代。南京与近200个国家和地区建立了邮政特快专递业务,并设立了禄口国际机场航空邮件转运站。 Telephone and Telecommunication tional fixed telecommunication services, local wireless circuit, the telecommunication network-based communication of spoken languages, data and images, and multimedia communication and information services. Through the earth satellite, important sports games can be relayed to all parts of the country and every country in the world. Nanjing is the first city in China to open the wide band LAN service, and high-speed access to Internet is being spread to all parts of the city. Now the total capacity of the switchers amounts to 2.46 million phones, and there are 1.82 million actual phone users; the Internet users are more than 400,000 now. Equipped with multiple communication modes, the city has really entered an era of multimedia communication. Nanjing has also established business relationships of express mail service with over 200 countries and regions; and an airmail transit station has been set up at the Nanjing Lukou International Airport. |