锦绣南京--南京自然概况 |
http://life.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日11:22 南京龙虎网 |
地理位置Geographical Location ![]() 南京地理位置 南京简称宁,地处长江下游的丘陵地区,北纬32°03′,东经118°47′;东临富饶的长江三角洲,西靠皖(安徽省)南丘陵,南连太湖水网,北接江淮平原;“黄金水道”长江穿越境域,距入海口380公里;距中国第一大城市上海约300公里。 Nanjing, abbreviated as Ning, is situated in a hilly area in the lower reaches oaf the Yangtze River, at 32o 03’north latitude and 118o 47’east longitude. To its east is the fertile Yangtze River delta, and to its west the Wannan (southern part of Anhui Province) hilly areas; the Tai Lake valley is to its south and the Jianghuai plain to its north. The Yangtze River, a“golden waterway”, runs through its territory into the East China Sea that is only 380 kilometers away. And it is located approximately 300 kilometers west of the nation’s largest city, Shanghai. 气候气温Climate and Temperature ![]() 南京属北亚热带季风气候区 南京属北亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,年平均气温16℃,年降水量1034毫米。 Nanjing is located in the monsoon climate area of north subtropical zone, with very distinctive four seasons; its annual average temperature is 16°Êand the annual precipitation 1034 mm. 物产资源Natural Produce and Resources ![]() 南京自然条件优越 南京山峦环抱,湖川偎依,自然条件优越,物产丰富,拥有40多种矿产和丰富的水力资源,其中锶储量位居东南亚之首,铁、硫储量占江苏省的40%左右。 Bestowed with many hills, rivers and lakes within its territory, Nanjing boasts very favorable natural resources and rich produce. There are over 40 types of minerals, of which the deposits of strontium are the largest in Southeast Asia, and the deposits of iron and sulfur make up 40% of the total deposits of Jiangsu Province. There are also rich waterpower resources that can be tapped. 历史沿革Historical Evolution ![]() 南京是一座著名的历史文化名城 南京是一座著名的历史文化名城,中国四大古都之一。东郊汤山猿人头骨的出土,表明数10万年前南京就是人类聚居之地。南京在6000多年前就已出现原始村落,南京的城垣史已有2474年。公元三世纪以来,先后有东吴、东晋和南朝的宋、齐、梁、陈(史称六朝),以及南唐、明、太平天国、中华民国共10个朝代和政权在这里建都立国,留下了丰富的民族文化遗产。 Nanjing is a city famous for its rich culture and long history, known as one of the seven great ancient capital cities in China. The recent unearthed skull bone of the ancient ape-man in its east suburb (at Tangshan) clearly indicates that there were people living in the area of Nanjing as early as 100,000 years ago. Primitive villages appeared in the area over 6000 years ago. Nanjing has a history of 2474 years since it was called and functioned as a city. From the 3rd century on up to the modern time, there were 10 dynasties (Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, the Song, Qi, Liang and Chen of the Southern Dynasty, and Southern Tang, the Ming, the Kingdom of Heavenly Peace and the People’s Republic) that made Nanjing the capital. All of them have left behind rich national and cultural heritages and relics in Nanjing. 行政区划Administrative Divisions ![]() 南京是江苏省省会 南京市行政区划图南京是江苏省省会,现辖玄武、白下、建邺、鼓楼、秦淮、下关、雨花台、栖霞、江宁、六合、浦口11个区和溧水、高淳2个县。辖区总面积6597平方公里,市区面积4730平方公里。全市户籍总人口563.28万人,其中市区人口480.35万人。 Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, consists of 11 urban districts (the districts of Xuanhu, Baixia, Jianye, Gulou, Qinhuai, Xiaguan, Yuhuatai, Qixia, Jiangning, Luhe and Pukou) and two counties (Lishui County and Gaocun County). It has a total area of 6597 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 4730 square kilometers. The total registered population is 5.6328 million, of which the urban population is 4.8035 million. |